When I was thinking about the changes that I want to make this year, the work ASK came to mind. In an effort to limit embarrassment, pain or being a burden, I have made a habit of trying to come up with the answer or solution myself. Whether that is anticipating someone’s answer or justContinue reading “ASK”

Own it! (Part 3)

It’s been a long time since I wrote on the subject of “owning it,” but I am realizing it will be a reoccurring theme in my life. I first talked about taking ownership of my pursuits(Part 1 & Part 2) back when I came down to LA for my first short-term stint. It was aContinue reading “Own it! (Part 3)”

The NEXT 100 Days of Self-Taping!

Almost three months have passed since I completed The 100 Days of Self-Taping. It’s incredible how quickly one can fall out of a habit once the expectations and accountability fall away. I had high hopes of continuing self-taping, if not every day, at least multiple times a week. But I have to admit that, actingContinue reading “The NEXT 100 Days of Self-Taping!”

The 100 Day Project: Process

Now that The 100 Day Project is over, I know that I have created some excellent habits and carry more knowledge and experience with me moving forward.

The Emergen-C Girl!

A little over a year ago I was trying to figure out an (cost-effective) gift I could give agents and casting directors when I met them. I wanted to accomplish three things with this gift: To be helpful. To be remembered. To tell them a little bit about who I am. Now I can’t rememberContinue reading “The Emergen-C Girl!”

Saying, “No, thanks!”

My biggest career goal right now is to find theatrical representation. Don’t get me wrong, I have other goals and projects I am working on. I’m not waiting around, as if theatrical representation is the answer to all my problems… BUT I also know it’s a big step in the right direction! A couple monthsContinue reading “Saying, “No, thanks!””

Making It Happen!

Looking back over this year, it has been quite a roller coaster. Personally, it has been one of the hardest years in a lot of ways. Almost a year ago exactly, my husband and I made the decision for me to come down to LA and give my acting career here a try. I quiteContinue reading “Making It Happen!”